Changelog and history (including unreleased versios):
1.0-Final (13.02.2019):- fixed fast messages spamming when teamchat open
- fixed antiafk killing defence
- fixed teamchat on [Enter] key and added new messages
- fixed "mission passed" song in some cases
- added "empty" weapons
- added sound on player join
- fixed radio not being played in cars
- fixed /kill, which now forces spawnscreen
- fixed script reloading (no need to reconnect anymore)
- fixed SSV bridge
1.0-RC5 (17.01.2019):- added nickname limit to 23 chars by default (definable as MAX_NICK_LENGHT in config.nut)
- added nickname colour removing, so there are only red and blue players
- disabled players using bug and joining without nicknames
- increased Sniper Rifle damage to 60hp (there's a poll on forum, so you can decide)
- anti AFK system for attackers (configurable in config.nut)
- keybinds for team messages: [1]Enemy spotted, [2]Need backup!, [3]Follow me!, [4]Incoming!
- added music on starting base screen, mission passed music for winners and player join notification
- reworked command /sfx <on/off> to enable/disable gamemode sounds
- reworked /music <1-8> or /music off
- added /wep (/weps or /weapons) command to allow changing weapons (available only for 30 seconds after round start)
- centered team name label on class selection
- added anti spam system (configurable in config.nut)
- added round replay in autoplay (setting AUTOPLAY_ROUND_REPLAY in config.nut)
- fixed some death reasons
- fixed reseting capture bug when two players enters the marker
- added server settings into config.nut (server name, max players, port, password)
- redone lobby spawning (settings are moved to config.nut: lobby_spawn_pos, lobby_spawn_angle)
- added /switch command in lobby to change team
- added simple team balancer (setting TEAM_BALANCE_DIFFERENCE in config.nut)
- added weather/hour setting for lobby
- deleted garbage and some unused stuff
- added baseball bat as additional weapon
1.0-RC4 (12.01.2019):- synced more features from BasemodeVC (spawnscreen team name label)
- added config.nut configuration file and moved there most of script settings
- added arenas support (not finished yet, BMVC merge)
- replaced XML with NUT map loading system - new syntax for bases and spawns (from BMVC)
- fixed colouring and some admin commands
1.0-RC3 (15.11.2018):- merged features from BasemodeVC for team stats panel (team members, alive players etc)
- added chat information about selected team on spawnscreen (also ported from bmvc)
- added and refreshed many messages
- some other tweaks, made code more similar with bmvc to make updates easier
- updated some gui stuff
1.0-RC2 (31.05.2018):- fixed /add player admin command
- added /vehicle id (incar) command to print (in console) coplete line for creating attackers spawnpoints.
- added message for /kill command
- new base (id 19) by rAiZeN
- fixed autoplay feature (admin /settype <0/auto> or g_iRoundStartType = 0 in CServer.nut)
- visual improvements, moved team chat above the radar
- merged /ban and /kick commands (thanks Kewun0!)
- added "searching radio station" sound on player part (definable with SETTING_MUTE variable in client.nut or /mutesfx /unmutesfx command)
- added /radio <0-8/off> client command
1.0-RC1 (24.05.2018):- added information about team players count on spawnscreen
- made player frozen when using teamchat (Y)
- fixed /add command
- changed /type command to /settype and added parameter auto/vote/manual
- fixed known issues: /votebase, /bmlogin, errors caused by lu_ini module
1.0-beta (22.05.2018)- first public beta release
- colored and fixed some messagess (kill/part/join)
1.0-alpha3 (21.09.2015):- added score label
- improved UI
- opened garages
- added time and weather setting for bases
- deleted deprecated stuff
- added autostart system
- added part/join/kill messages
1.0-alpha2 (20.09.2015):second private test
- balanced m16 weapon
- fixed base 8 marker
- increased weapons ammo
- increased capture time (15secs from now)
- added 7 bases
1.0-alpha1 (19.09.2015):first real-private testing build with 2 players after recode
pre 1.0-stage2 (20.09.2014):- improved map loader
- recoded game logic
- added 3 bases
pre 1.0-stage1 (27.07.2010):- created basic map loader
- created basic game logic
- added 7 bases
- added spawn point for attackers (calahan bridge)
- spectator
- new bases and spawnpoints for attackers
- showing only allied team players on radar (sadly, LU is missing functions to complete this and I'm not sure if it's possible)
- cleaning source from obsolete things.