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Denied / Re: Application-VipeX
« Last post by Exterminator on January 24, 2021, 07:27:58 am »
hahah lmao . You just proved yourself that you are Jackspond. How I can say that? Cuz you didn't spread fake news of darkghost with Vipex account but with Jackspond. Now don't try editing that post .
Denied / Re: Application-VipeX
« Last post by VipeX on January 24, 2021, 07:10:27 am »
Wait a Minute. Didn't you leave VCMP for life due to IRL problems.
That's what you said when you left our gang. After that applied again with Jackspond nick as far as I remember lmao. You were also spreading fake news that darkghost died in a accident.
Hello Exter , yeah i did your gang becz i was leaving vc-mp but when my father's issues was finished then i'm back in vcmp And Are you kidding with me lol i'm not JackSpond he is another guy, Now about DarKGhost he is my real life friend and i was kidding on lw discord
Denied / Re: Application-VipeX
« Last post by Exterminator on January 24, 2021, 06:41:06 am »
Wait a Minute. Didn't you leave VCMP for life due to IRL problems.
That's what you said when you left our gang. After that applied again with Jackspond nick as far as I remember lmao. You were also spreading fake news that darkghost died in a accident.
Denied / Application-VipeX
« Last post by VipeX on January 24, 2021, 05:53:51 am »
Discord ID:londabass#3874
Ex clans:KF, CF, SkS, FZ
Experience in GTA multiplayers:I've been playing Vice City Multiplayers from 2016
Why did you left your ex clans? (if there were any)FZ, Closed SkS, Closed CF, I had some personal issues with the Leader ZeeX and Choosen to leave and got kicked at the same time and KF, I'm not comfortable there
Have you been invited to LCK?noone invite me here but i'm again here because i like this clan, I know that i applied too quckily, but It seems to be a good clan also members are mature + well behaved i joined many clan but none was good this clan seems to be way more better than other clans. love you guys
Regards VipeX
Denied / Re: Clan Application-xyLem
« Last post by Stoku on January 20, 2021, 10:17:49 am »
Your application has been declined.
Denied / Clan Application-xyLem
« Last post by xyLem on January 20, 2021, 09:36:47 am »
Nickname: xyLem
Discord ID: old discord was disable i'll make new soon
Ex clans:LCK
Experience in GTA multiplayers:since 15/06/2016 i started VCMP
Why did you left your ex clans? (if there were any) i'll leave LCK because i'm nub
Have you been invited to LCK? Hello Guys i'm here again i want Join again LCK because i want join this clan plss give me a chance <3
Script and mod Releases / [GTA:VC] Vice City Redux mod.
« Last post by VerC on January 19, 2021, 11:35:18 pm »

Hi there!

Vice City Redux is a small modification, which I've been recently working on. Mod brings up fresh and brand new look on in-game interface.
Mod contains:
> High resolution loading screens
> Remastered HUD
> Visually improved menu

Installation guide:
Open your GTA:VC directory and drop there downloaded files.

Additional information about the mod:
 While working on  this modification, I was trying to keep the original look of the game. Most of the GTA:VC "remastered" mods looks really odd and they ruin original feel of the game.
To create that modification I've used textures from other mods, few of them were created and given to me by our clanmate Xenon (long time ago) and some of them I had to made from the scratch.
However, every single texture I've taken from other mod I've had to edit. Some of the textures were slightly edited, while other were totally remade.
In the readme file I've posted links for the mods I've taken resources from.
Note: Mod contains only texture files, so you don't have to worry about viruses. It's completely safe; it contains no malware at all.

Here's a quick comparison (more screenshots in the attachments):

Download link:

I hope you will enjoy the mod. Feel free to share your opinion on it.

Denied / Re: DaRViN -Application
« Last post by Stoku on January 18, 2021, 12:40:37 pm »
Your application has been declined.
Denied / Re: DaRViN -Application
« Last post by VipeX on January 15, 2021, 05:36:01 am »
Good Luck buddy  8)
Denied / Re: DaRViN -Application
« Last post by Waluta on January 15, 2021, 12:15:57 am »