Denied / Application-Peclivar
« on: March 02, 2021, 03:39:40 am »
Nickname: Peclivar
Discord ID:I can't log on to Discord because of the Internet in China,but you can send me an email at 3454778878@qq.com
Age: 22
Ex clans: None
Country: China
Experience in GTA multiplayers: I've been playing Vice City Multiplayers from 2010
Why did you left your ex clans? (if there were any) None
Have you been invited to LCK? No,But I want to join your team,because I'll feel like I'm not alone.
I don't hate anyone on the team,I won't be racist,I just want to have fun with all of you.
Discord ID:I can't log on to Discord because of the Internet in China,but you can send me an email at 3454778878@qq.com
Age: 22
Ex clans: None
Country: China
Experience in GTA multiplayers: I've been playing Vice City Multiplayers from 2010
Why did you left your ex clans? (if there were any) None
Have you been invited to LCK? No,But I want to join your team,because I'll feel like I'm not alone.
I don't hate anyone on the team,I won't be racist,I just want to have fun with all of you.