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Messages - Stoku

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News and Announcements / VPS and Donations, Pranski
« on: December 30, 2021, 04:05:19 pm »
Today the VPS server has been rented for the next year. Thank's to all donators (Auriel, GreniX, KarnyBanan, me)! More informations you can find here.

Also I have a bad news, which is Pranski's departure. Thank you for your effort and good luck mate!

Denied / Re: Sam%u2019s app
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:24:23 pm »
Hello z0ryaN,

Your application has been closed due to lack of communication. Please join our discord server first.

Denied / Re: Application
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:22:16 pm »
Hello StoneCold,

Thank you for your patience. We were investigating your application internally and the team has decided to decline the application. Get familiar with our members, gain respect and maybe try agiain another time.

News and Announcements / Newsletter
« on: July 17, 2021, 01:48:13 pm »
Hello guys! Below are some informations about recent changes:

Waluta has left LCK. His reason was "leaving VC-MP scene" and "better look of his nickname without tag". Well, good luck  ;)

Xenon went inactive again. Probably forever.

Iceman, Satro, Stolidjarl44 were marked as inactive. If there's something wrong with it, please inform me on Discord.

More informations soon.

Cheers for the elite!

Denied / Re: Application
« on: July 06, 2021, 04:11:05 pm »
Hello iTzPro79, thank you for your application and interest. We have discussed it with team and we've decided for declining your application. Follow our discord, play with us, get familiar with members and maybe try again next time  ;)

Best regards.

News and Announcements / Re: Departure
« on: June 21, 2021, 11:18:11 pm »
Hello / Siema, as the topic says it's about me leaving the clan. I really want to thank all of you guys for the amazing support that I have got whlist I was in clan. Had a great time managing things from time to time and helping stuff. I can't say there was any inconvenience from clan which lead me to this decision. I really appreciate what you guys have supported me. The thing is, most of you guys speak Polish and yeah it's not possible for me to use translator everytime. Another problem is clan meetings / clan training time difference problem. I remember I missed both of the clan get together due to massive time problem. Another thing gotta be inactivity. But yeah I understand most of you have jobs and other stuff to take care of so I understand it. The communation thingy was really unpleasant, I can say I have talked with Stoku, Zentrix, Pranski and Waluta only. No one else I have seen online or talking to me since I ever joined. But I understand there might be some irl problems or some other things. I repeat I have enjoyed my stay of 1 year and 2 months and it feels good that I contributed to LCK with whatever I could. Thanks for your time.

Witam/Siema jak w temacie mówi to o moim opuszczeniu klanu. Naprawdę chcę wam wszystkim podziękować za niesamowite wsparcie, jakie otrzymałem na liście, w której byłem w klanie. Świetnie się bawiliśmy, zarządzając od czasu do czasu rzeczami i pomagając. Nie mogę powiedzieć, że były jakieś niedogodności ze strony klanu, które doprowadziły mnie do tej decyzji. Naprawdę doceniam to, co mnie wspieracie. Chodzi o to, że większość z was mówi po polsku i tak, nie mogę za każdym razem korzystać z tłumacza. Innym problemem są spotkania klanów/treningi klanów w różnicy czasu. Pamiętam, że przegapiłem spotkanie obu klanu z powodu ogromnego problemu z czasem. Kolejną rzeczą musi być bezczynność. Ale tak, rozumiem, że większość z was ma pracę i inne rzeczy, którymi trzeba się zająć, więc rozumiem to. Komunia była naprawdę nieprzyjemna, mogę powiedzieć, że rozmawiałem tylko ze Stoku, Zentrixem, Prańskim i Walutą. Nikt inny nie widziałem online ani nie rozmawiał ze mną odkąd dołączyłem. Ale rozumiem, że mogą być jakieś problemy z IRL lub inne rzeczy. Powtarzam, że cieszyłem się pobytem 1 roku i 2 miesięcy i dobrze się czuję, że przyczyniłem się do LCK, czym tylko mogłem. Dziękuję za Twój czas.

Thanks for your time.


- Grizzy
I'm sorry for my late reply here. It was caused by my out of breath by this sad message.

I can understand your decision, because you are a very valuable, mature and great player, so you deserve for something more. Again, I'm sad, because we couldn't give it to you at all. I hope that, even if there were some issues, you had fun with us and learned something valuable. We also got a lesson from you and we will try to solve some communication and activity problems too. Unfortunately, I'm not able to find more time for playing, but I'm always trying my best to solve other clan related stuff. I still feel guilty for this situation.

Thank you Grizzy for your time involved in our family, your great help as a co-leader and member. Good luck and remember that, you are always welcome here.

Denied / Re: approval
« on: April 19, 2021, 07:43:17 pm »
Sorry, but no. Maybe get familiar with our members first and try again later.

Closing application.

We want to proudly announce a Liberty City Killers Challenge: Stubby Edition! The challenge is restricted only to our clan members.

Registration starts today and will end at 15.04, so be hurry! The challenge will end at 15.05. More informations, rules will be posted soon.

Denied / Re: approval
« on: April 05, 2021, 12:16:04 pm »
Discord is obligatory, application denied.

Thank you all for todays training!

Our members: MateO, rww, Grizzy, Xenon, me
And special thanks to the rest of people! We had 7 players in peak, which isn't that bad :)

Some screenies below:

Script and mod Releases / Re: [GTA:VC] Vice City Redux mod.
« on: March 25, 2021, 09:05:24 pm »
This mod looks great, good job!

Script and mod Releases / Re: [GTA:SA] Framelimiter adjuster in asi
« on: March 25, 2021, 09:04:08 pm »
Nice and useful!

I would like to invite you all to our public clan training/mini-event on Basemode (VC-MP,

Game: Vice City Multiplayer
Date: 28.03.2021
Time: 20:00 (CET)
Password: none

Thank you Zentrix and MateO for presence!

Red team members: Stoku (+Zentrix in a few rounds)
Blue team members: MateO
Score: 11:10 for Red team

Please vote in poll  ;)

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